Turn your Old Data into Gold using AI and SMS

Turn your Old Data into Gold using AI and SMS

April 7, 2024

So your are sitting on a pile of old data. Supposedly the new oil. But thus far you haven't been able to do anything with it. You've probably also heard that you need to use AI in your business, but you might not have a use case for it, yet.. If your data contains leads that your sales team worked to death, but couldn't close. We've got a solution for you...

The offer

We've built an AI Bot that will go through your old leads. We awaken the dead leads using an SMS. If they reply our bot works them to book an appointment or make a sale etc.

It's pretty simple. You give us your old contacts, we work the database. So you don't need to worry about anything technical.

No Money Down

We are so confident in our offer that we've made it performance based. You only pay when you close a client. This is the perfect way to get a feel for the power of AI. There's almost no risk involved since you don't pay until after you've got money in. And the leads were dead anyway.

Brand Image

"But what about brand image?", you might wonder. Well there's no need to worry because we modify the bot to use your communication style and stay in character for your brand. "And what if the bot makes a mistake?" Well this is not a support bot, it's main purpose is to verify the lead and close it. Whenever the bot hasn't gotten the info that the customer wants it will prompt the customer to make an appointment with the sales team. The bot can also handle angry customers or difficult questions.


Another question you might have is "What about government regulations regarding SMS?". We will make sure the SMSes are compliant and if you're in the US or Canada we will help you get through A2P 10DLC registration and register the campaign for you. Do note, we only send sms to people who've opted in, no cold outreach.

Unlock the power of AI today

Have we peaked your interest? Book an appointment today and we'll get back to you asap. Do note we only work with customers that have big databases. Otherwise the set up just isn't worth our time.